Dual Doping Source DDS

Cluster sources with two crucibles, individual cell shutters and water cooling shield on a single flange increase MBE capabilities into your UHV chamber.
  • Cluster sources increase the capacity of UHV systems
  • Customized designs with all kind of effusion cells
  • Compact and intelligent cell design
  • Various crucibles available
  • Solutions with integrated cooling shrouds and shutters  Datasheet


Cluster sources provide a convenient method for adding MBE capabilities into your UHV chamber or MBE system, either as dopant or thin-film deposition source. Because of the large variety of different UHV systems each cluster is individually designed for our customers’ systems.

We build cluster source flanges based on our standard cells. A large variety of clusters with two or more different cells mounted even on a small flange is offered.

Specially designed thermal shielding featuring water-cooled shields between the individual cells reduces thermal interaction. Cross contamination is minimized by the use of individual, non-overlapping shutters.

A brief selection of different cluster sources is presented in the following. Some thinkable applications for our cluster sources are shown as examples. Please contact us for more information about custom-made solutions.

A Dual Doping Source used for Si and Be doping on a single DN63 CF (O.D. 4.5") port is presented in the picture on the right.

The use of dual doping sources increases the capacity of MBE systems, e.g. GEN II, by using only a single port for both Be and Si doping. After melting the source material in an upwards position the cells can be used in downward oriented ports. For easier melting of the source material we deliver a special set of PBN and Ta shielding parts.

DCS 63-2x5-27-S
DCS 63-2x5-27-S

The double cluster source with 2 x 5.6 cm³ PBN crucibles shown on the right is mounted on a DN63 CF (O.D. 4.5’’) flange. It is equipped with a special water cooling between the two small effusion cells and with a rotary motion shutter for each cell.

This design is favorable in horizontal mounting position where there is the risk of material falling down from the crucible.

DCS 63-2x5-16-S
DCS 63-2x5-16-S

The combination of a mini high temperature effusion cell HTEZ and a standard effusion cell WEZ, mounted on a DN63 CF (O.D. 4.5") flange is shown in the picture.

The HTEZ includes an 1.5 cm³ Al 2 O 3 crucible, while the WEZ is equipped with a 10 cm³ PBN crucible. The integrated water cooling shroud prevents heating of the chamber as well as thermal interaction of the individual cells. The two separate shutters allow independent operation with minimized cross contamination.

DCS 63-1-19/10-22-KS
DCS 63-1-19/10-22-KS

Two single standard effusion cells WEZ, with a 10 cm³ PBN crucible in each cell, are mounted in an angled position to allow the use of a horizontal port below the substrate. Each cell is equipped with an individual linear shutter.

Special cluster source
Special cluster source


The use of the Dual Doping Sources increase the capacity of your MBE System, e.g. GEN II, by using only a single port for both Be and Si doping. After melting the source material in an upwards position the cells can be used in downward ports. For easier melting of the source material we deliver a special set of PBN and Ta shilding parts.

Technical Data

Mounting flangeDN63 (O.D. 4.5") other sizes on request
Dimensions in vacuumLength : 216(-400) mm; Diameter : 55 mm for DDS 63-2xC5-S
Length : 266 -326 mm; Diameter : 62 mm for DDS 63-2xC5-S (V80) (larger shutters)
Length : 266(-400) mm; Diameter : 36 mm for DDS 63-2x2-S
Ta wire Filamentmax. power 250W/10A for DDS 63-2xC5-S
max. power 160W/7A for DDS 63-2x2-S
Temperature sensorW5%Re/W26%Re (Type C)
Bakeout temperature250°C
Operating temperature200°C - 1400°C (recommended 700-1350°C)
Outgassing temperature1500°C (1600°C for short times)
CruciblesPBN 2ccm and PBN 5ccm
Coolingwater cooling between the cells
Shutterintegrated rotary shutter ( S )


Crucible sizes from 1.5 to 10 cm3 are usually possible in the very compact cluster designs. Other dimensions and different shapes (cylindrical, conical) are available on request. By default the “dual” doping sources are designed as two-cell-clusters. However we are to supply customized solutions with three or more cells on one mounting flange tailored to the customer’s need. The standard crucible material is PBN, but other crucible materials are also available.


Schematic drawing DCS
Schematic drawing of the Dual Doping Source DDS (drawing shows DDS 63 2xC5-27-2S with integrated shutter)

Specific data

For general information on CF mounting flanges see Flange and Gasketdimensions .

ProductCF flangeNominal capacityLip diameterCoolingShutter*Filament typeThermocoupleCrucible material**UHV dimensions***
max. electrical
Power supply
product code
product code
[cm³][mm]TypeType[mm] / [mm][W] / [A]Product codeProduct code
DDS63 -2x2 -16 -2S -SF¹ -C³ -P -LxxxD36240 / 102x PS 30-10-CPBN 2-16
DDS63 -2x5 -27 -2S -SF¹ -C³ -P -LxxxD55250 / 102x PS 30-10-CPBN C5-27
DDS63 -2x8 -27 -2S -SF¹ -C³ -P -LxxxD55250 / 102x PS 30-10-CPBN C8-27
DDS63 -2x5 -27 -2S -SF¹ -C³ -P -LxxxD62250 / 102x PS 30-10-CPBN C5-27

* rotary shutter possible on same flange ¹ alternatively CL ** PBN standard, other materials on request ² alternatively CL, HL or DF *** specify UHV length L with order ³ alternatively type K

Product code:
e.g. DCS 63-2x5-27-S-SF-C-P-L216D55 is a dual doping source on a DN63 flange, with two 5cm3 PBN crucibles (lip diameter 27mm), integrated rotary shutter, standard filament heaters, type C thermocouple, in-vacuum length 216mm and diameter 55mm.