Free Microplasma Source FMP

Free Microplasma Source FMP
  • N2+ O 2 version on DN40CF flange; DN63CF flange size with ion sensor option
  • Typical operation power and frequency: 5 - 20 W / 2.5 GHz
  • Typical gas flow : 1 to 10 sccm
  • Suitable for different gas types ( for example N2,H2 or O2 )
  • Additional equipment / options: all-metal valve, gas supply, RF generator, ion sensor, photo diode  Datasheet


The Free Microplasma Source FMP produces a pure localized plasma at the tip. This setup provides high purity plasma creation with effectively reduced wall interaction as well as a drastically reduced RF power consumption due to the small plasma size.

Main advantages of the FMP:

  • Free microplasma in front of injector, i.e.: reduced reactions with cavity materials

  • Cold plasma (low ion energy)

  • Multi-gas applications are possible

  • Wide gas flux range without reconfiguration: 1-10 sccm

  • Wide process chamber pressure range of 10-7 mbar to 10 -2 mbar possible without reconfiguration (depending on pumping system)

  • No water cooling needed due to high efficiency plasma generation

  • Very low HF power needed due to microplasma

  • Simple and reliable operation

  • Compact setup on DN40CF (O.D. 2.75") mounting flange


The Free Microplasma Source FMP provides a pure localized plasma for substrate cleaning applications, surface preparation or layer growth within an UHV chamber or MBE system at low chamber pressure.

“O2 plasma in front of FMP”
Illustration of O2 plasma in front of FMP

Plasma probe measurement with ion sensor

The ion sensor of the FMP can also be used as a plasma probe (Langmuir probe). The measured currents and potentials in this system allow the determination of the physical properties of the plasma. The FMP creates a non-equilibrium and non-uniform plasma in front of the source. All plasma parameters which are determined from ion sensor measurements have to be interpreted carefully. However, the ion sensor measurements may be used as a process parameter forreliable and reproducible source operation.
Typical ion current characteristics of N2 and O2 plasma measured with the ion sensor Langmuir probe are shown below. The measured electron current (positive bias voltage) and ion saturation current (negative bias voltage) show a strong dependency on HF power and gas flow rate.
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

Spectroscopy measurements with viewport

The FMP comprises a viewport for optical access to the plasma. Using the viewport different measurements are possible, e.g. optical spectroscopy or operation and power control with a photo diode. Typical optical spectra from, N2, O2 and H2 are shown below.
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

Technical Data

Mounting flange
DN40CF (O.D. 2.75”) /
DN63CF (O.D. 4.5”) with ion sensor option
ThermocoupleNiCr/NiAl (type K)
Operating temperatureup to 300°C
Bakeout temperature250°C
In vaccum length L287 mm (DN40CF O.D. 2.75'')
270 mm (DN63CF O.D. 4.5'') with ion sensor option
In vacuum maximum total length TL282 mm (DN63CF O.D. 4.5'') with ion sensor option
In vaccum outer diameter D35 mm
Maximum airside length OL
517 mm
Maximum airside radius AR196 mm
Additional equipment
all-metal valve, gas supply, RF generator
Variants-M (inert gas, e.g. N2, H2 )
-T (reactive gas, e.g. O2 )
Optionsion sensor, photo diode


Schematic drawing FMP
Schematic drawing of the Free Microplasma Source FMP (drawing shows FMP 40 with optional ion sensor on DN63CF and gas supply)

Specific data

For general information on CF mounting flanges see Flange and Gasketdimensions .

ProductGas typeCF flangeUHV dimensions***
Power supply
product code
Filament currentFilament voltage
[mm][mm] / [mm][W][A][V]
FMP-TO2, N240-L287 / D35< 200< 15< 15
N2, H240-L287 / D35< 200< 15< 15
FMP-TO2, N263-L270 / D35< 200< 15< 15
N2, H263-L270 / D35< 200< 15< 15

*** specify UHV length L with order

Product code: e.g. **FMP-T 40-L287D35 ** is a free microplasma source on DN40CF flange with UHV-length 287 mm and in-vacuum diameter 35 mm.